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Doneal Clark 508045
P.O. Box 1150
Henning, Tennessee 38041
My name is Doneal, and if you find yourself in a room full of people, yet feel alone at times, I understand how you feel. In a prison surrounded by hundreds of women, smiling at me, expressing love and encouragement, I too can feel alone.
In 2019, I made a choice that would change my life forever, though I still look forward to the day I get out and sip tea with friends, find true love, and pass knowledge to another generation. I'm an open minded, confident woman, enjoy good conversation, sweet actions and understand it's the the little things in life that are important.
I'm looking for someone I can share inner thoughts, feelings, and goals with. In it for the long haul, mature, and believes in second chances. If you are strong enough, understanding, and want to get to know me, reach out at Jpay or a letter in the mail. I can guarantee you a real smile.
Date of Birth: 8-24-1983
Height: 5'3"
Education: GED, vocational
Occupation before prison: Pharmacy tech
Earliest Release Date: 2077
Maximum Release Date: 2078
Would you like letters from both sexes: Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Jpay.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: College courses, inmate observer, church, choir
Anything else: Peer support, inspiration
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