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Andre Lackner 37176-510
Metropolitan Detention Center Los Angeles
PO BOX 531500
Los Angeles, California 90053

My name is Andre. I am an owner of a retail company, a performing artist, and a scholar in psychology. My hobbies are centered around health, love, and creativity. I enjoy cooking, making music, entrepreneurship, working out, dancing, and traveling. I've learned a lot during my time of rehabilitation, and have been making efforts to positively contribute to the world by writing literature to raise awareness on the effects of the internet on our psychology, designing products to help people with health challenges, and studying human bio-mechanics to aid those with physical injuries when I am released.

I have also taught myself Spanish while incarcerated, and am open to corresponding in Spanish to have someone to practice with. I am eager to travel and experience other cultures around the world. Being in prison has allowed me to appreciate how valuable our lives are, and to never take the small things for granted.

What is something you've always wanted to do that you've never done before?

Date of Birth: 8-24-88
Height: 5'11"
Education: B.A.
Occupation before prison: Business owner
Earliest Release Date: pending
Maximum Release Date: 4-2025
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)  
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service:
Can you respond to email: Yes, but it has to get set up with the person first
Activities in prison: Learning Spanish, spirituality, working out, teaching yoga
Anything else:

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