Steven Jennings 727504
Washington Corrections Center
PO box 900
Shelton, Washington 98584
How do you like that for a powerful hook?
I mean, I literally had to do it. You were scrolling through these inmates like a 1984 JCPenny catalog. Nothing was slowing you down... UNTIL... the good ol', "I LOVE DOGS" razor sharp hook.
Caramel Apple Suckers dipped in Strawberry Smuckers! Mmmm.
Now that I have your attention, let me just say, if you need any help with undesired doggy behaviors, I can and will help you and your dog.
I have over 30,000 hours of experience. Try me! We'll get desired results.
Right now, I have this beautiful 14 month old lab laying on my lap... snoozing, twitching, yipping and yappin. She's dreaming of chasing little chirpies through the grassy meadows. So cute!
I train service dogs in here. Best career ever!
WHAT??? You keep dog food in your refrigerator!!! It's not dog food... it's Fresh Pet. And yes, I also let her sleep on my bed and lick my face. So what? I love her!
Who needs a dishwasher... I have a dog. We even share a toothbrush.
I'm obviously joking. Unless you're like, awww, so sweet.
I hope you'll take the time to hit me up. I'm open, honest, and excited to meet someone new.
Date of Birth: 7-16-73
Height: 5'9"
Education: Extensive
Occupation before prison: MMA fighter
Earliest Release Date: 10-30-2030
Maximum Release Date: 8-9-2037
Would you like letters from both sexes: Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Securus Technologies
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Train service dogs, peer support mentor
Anything else: Design curriculum to teach guys how to train dogs
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